Thursday, 16 April 2015

Finished my project and have handed it in yesterday 15/4/2015.
I enjoyed all the research and found it very interesting especially the trip to the Public Records Office in Belfast. A thank you to all the staff at the various libraries, Newry, Warrenpoint, Armagh, Downpatrick and Ballynahinch.

Sunday, 12 April 2015

I have taken this photograph of the remaining part of the Tramway in Rostrevor 8 April 2015 
Some books I have used in my research.

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Like everyone I need to stop the research and begin writing.  A lot of information on the railways and their closure.  Have had to collate information on employment at the time as no statistics are available, but it is quite interesting looking at the various trades  and types of employment which are lost.  Hotel work has also changed a lot to say noting about transport and tourism.

Monday, 30 March 2015

Have contacted Darra Best re my project. Unfortunately he did not cover my area of topic but was very grateful he answered my email.  I have also had a reply from Charles Friel who has been more than helpful with statistics. Charles is a member of the Railway Preservation Society of Ireland and a great source of information.  He has recommended books and has sent me charts.  Many Thanks Charles for all  your help. Like everyone I now need to settle down and start sorting my research and writing up my project.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Appointment next Tuesday 31 at Newry Museum to look at street directories which may help with my research on employment trends.

Monday, 16 March 2015

I have found a brilliant video on YouTube "More Newry Railway and Stations" . records a lovely trip to Warrenpoint on the train and also tells of the Train disaster of 1889.